The most important thing we offer you as a potential partner is the Schoop burger itself. We also offer you a proven theme, a reasonable entry price, and a solid support system.
Schoop’s owners Rick and Randy Newell and Mark Schoop have committed to “share Schoop’s” in 2006 and have done the preparation necessary to franchise outside of the Chicago area. If you Schoop now, you may simply be getting in at the right time.
Yes. The personal and financial rewards of owning a Schoop’s may be great. But it starts with Calumet Region-style hard work. We expect you to work full-time at your Schoop’s.
Once successful, you may wish to do what the Mascarellos, Sharps, Markoviches and others have done and Schoop in other locations. You would still be expected to regularly supervise all of your Schoop’s.
5% of gross revenues.
$290,000 to $380,000.
It’s a four-pronged approach, and throughout you deal directly with three owners who have been in the burger business for decades.
First, we work with you on developing all leases, licenses and build-out plans. To maintain reasonable uniformity and quality, we reserve final approval in these areas.
Then we bring you to our Munster location to train for two weeks with Ray Mathews, longtime manager of the original Munster store. It takes about five days to learn how to cook a Schoopburger, make the soups and organize the kitchen. The other five days are spent on fine-tuning your kitchen skills and on ordering, employee scheduling, accounting, and so forth.
The third step is opening the store. A team of three to five experienced Schoop’s team members work at your store and train the entire staff. A lot of this is covered in your initial $20,000 franchise fee. For the initial opening push, typically Mark Schoop dons an apron and trains cooks to produce the crispy edges of the burger, make the soups and so forth. Randy Newell typically spends his time in the dining and cash register areas.
Finally, we assist you on an ongoing basis to maintain the highest quality of food, service and cleanliness.
You can be open in as little as three months but usually no more than a year.
The Federal Trade Commission and other state and federal regulations prevent us from discussing how much money you can make. Once we have established a relationship, other franchisees will be willing to speak with you about opportunities available with a Schoop’s restaurant. Sales information and other information are contained in our Uniform Franchise Offering Circular (UFOC).
Fill out the form on this web site. It goes directly to Rick Newell. He will contact you immediately, often on the same day.
Schoop's Hamburgers | All Rights Reserved |
Created by Olive + Ash.
Managed by Olive Street Design.